Best Friends Play

Congo The Movie: The Lost City of Zinj

Congo Title
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Game Congo The Movie: The Lost City of Zinj
Length 26:30
Controller Matt
Upload Date Feb 12, 2017
“Where did Congo take place, by the way?” — Woolie
“In the Congo.” — Matt

Best Friends Play Congo The Movie: The Lost City of Zinj is a Super Best Friends Play episode in which Matt and Woolie must survive being trapped in the Congo with blood thirsty apes so they can get home in time to watch Sawing Monkeys in Half with Lasers 2.


We nominate Steven Anthony Jones for best male actor in video games for the role of Butembo Kabalo.
— Video description


So you just flashed the game at me like a drug and you just said, 'Tomorrow.'.
— Woolie
He's also, like, fat and fifty, so I don't think that's a good idea, being in the jungle.
— Matt
The haziness effect is venom spat by these erotic spiders.
— Matt
It's the Jungle-Vapors.
— Woolie
What's this Pokemon's name? Tikimon?
— Matt
Something really bad and not politically correct.
— Woolie
Where did Congo take place, by the way?
— Woolie
In the Congo.
— Matt
In the Congo, of course. Yes, yes but...
— Woolie
— Matt