Best Friends Play


Kuso Title
Watch this episode on YouTube
Game Kuso
Length 25:13
Controller Woolie
Upload Date Dec 22, 2017
“I'm alive, but I don't wanna be.” — Woolie

Best Friends Play Kuso is a Super Best Friends Play episode in which Matt and Woolie wonder if this game was named after their platforming skills as they break out the next level blindness johns and start talking about Snood.


Check out the game on Steam here - [1]
— Video description


Fans, one of my most hated of enemies.
— Matt
My eyes are watering. I can't see. I'm playing with my eyes closed!
— Woolie
If something's gotta juice, I'd rather it be my eyes.
— Woolie
This isn't even a David Cage game and it's a tear-fest.
— Matt
You were just yelling the word 'balls' at that point. Just to let you know, if you weren't sure.
— Matt
I'm alive, but I don't wanna be.
— Woolie
A little hesitation never hurt anyone except for anyone that died.
— Matt
White means death.
— Woolie
When it's black, it's safe...
— Woolie