Rustlemania 2: SuperBrawl Saturday III

WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011

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Game WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011
Length 52:13
Winner Chris Jericho
Next WWF Wrestlefest
“Gentleman! Welcome to the second best sports entertainment, YouTube based event ever!” — Matt

WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011 is the first episode in the Best Friends' Rustlemania 2: SuperBrawl Saturday III special.


"So, Jericho! You think you're the best in the world? Well no matter how many terrible bands and shitty robot shows you try to be a part of, you'll never measure up to the whirling black, green and purple dervish that is EL WOOLIO! Can you survive my gross bio slime slam? NAH, SON!"
— Video Description


Matt, Pat, Woolie, and Liam begin the revival of histories greatest sports entertainment phenomenon as they laugh at the corpses of super dead game publishers, stare at Shawn Michaels' groundhog, have a dirty backstage fight with Bootista, break the A.T. fields down, fall all over the place in a drunken stupor, and make out with Hulk Hogan's hair curtain.


Gentleman! Welcome to the second best sports entertainment, YouTube based event ever!
— Matt
He just starts bobbing his head to your walk cycle.
— Matt
Go back to teaching the Kinect how to give blow jobs!
— Pat to Shawn Michaels
He goes into a black void!
— Matt
That's where Andy Roroton lives.
— Pat
When he’s in the void, he can do an RKO from literally nowhere!
— Liam
Who is it? Is it Bootista? It's Bootista and he's here to look at the fucking wall!
— Matt
Jericho, we don't even have a camera in here.
— Liam
Why would you fight with no camera?
— Pat
Hastag fuck fennel.
— Matt
Now I love my fiancé but if the girl that played the Undertaker in Wrestling Isn't Wrestling shows up, I'm sorry. And I told her that and she's like, 'No, that's fine.'.
— Matt
I want nothing less in life than to touch your unibrow.
— Woolie
I want Woolie to have a dreaded unibrow.
— Liam
I can pull that off.
— Woolie
Okay, do you mean a fear of unibrows?
— Pat
No, I can twist my dreads into my unibrow.
— Woolie
The new sign they're gonna hand out for fans is 'Killing your family is not cool'.
— Pat
I'm some kind of steroids Pinocchio over here.
— Pat
Welcome to our new album, 'The Cosby Years'.
— Pat
Cosby agrees to a tell all interview with Entertainment Weekly over a glass of wine.
— Woolie
That's basically saying you'd rather make out with Vince than Hulk and yeah of course, because Vince doesn't have a fucking hair curtain you have to fight through.
— Pat
Was that Rhodes with Dibiase? Oh, no. It was Rhodes with diabetes.
— Woolie
The Tower means disaster, so it should be John Cena.
— Pat
J.R. on the mic just goin’ ‘Bah gawd, the Arcana is the means bah shich all is revealed!'.
— Woolie
It looks like Jericho is ready to face his true self!
— Pat

Jimmies' Status[]

Matt - [ ]Rustled [X]Unrustled

Pat - [ ]Rustled [X]Unrustled

Woolie - [ ]Rustled [X]Unrustled

Liam' - [ ] Rustled [X] Unrustled


