Woolie's Super On-Time Top Ten of 2012!

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Length 9:51
Upload Date May 27, 2013
Next Matt's Super On-Time Top Ten of 2012!
“The highs, the lows, the heart feels, the butt feels. The unexpected hot shit, the over expected cold diarrhea.” — Woolie

Woolie's Super On-Time Top Ten of 2012 is a run through of Woolie's favorite ten games of the 2012 year... released in May of 2013. Matt's was released on June 2nd, Pat's was on June 9th and Liam's was released on June 16.


Woolie waxes poetic about his favorite games from 2012. Tune in next Sunday night for Matt's list!
— Video description

Woolie's Top Ten[]

  1. Persona 4 Arena
  2. The Walking Dead
  3. Journey
  4. Tekken Tag Tournament 2
  5. Kid Icarus: Uprising
  6. Sakura Samurai
  7. Skullgirls
  8. Sleeping Dogs
  9. Trials Evolution
  10. Assassin's Creed III


Who was supposed to know barking out commands and watching 30 stumbling alcoholics adjust the mast to full sail would be so satisfying?
— Woolie on Assassin's Creed III
Wei Shen motherfucker! That's why!
— Woolie on Sleeping Dogs
Just to remember to heed the warnings on playing it for too long or you too might wreck your wrists to shit like a certain Rising Superstar.
— Woolie on Kid Icarus: Uprising
She is a miracle in the form of one of the only child characters ever that isn't immediately hateable.
— Woolie on Clementine from The Walking Dead
Ah, Persona, teaching the kids that shooting themselves in the head is just the first step to becoming awesome.
— Woolie


  • This is the first Best Friends video that does not include or involve Matt in any way.
  • Woolie's preview of his favorite 2013 games is just Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance with a one on top of it.
  • Woolie also mentioned retro games Street Fight X Megaman and Penny Arcade's Rain Slick 3 as two other games he enjoyed in 2013.
  • The music played during this video is Power Plant from 2008's Bionic Commando's original soundtrack.
  • Family Guy and Django were used in cutaway clips.

