Two Best Friends Play:

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Kane & Lynch 2
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Game Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Season 1
Episode 5
Length 7:08
Upload Date Jan 23, 2011
Controller Co-op
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“I don't know why I did that, but I liked it.” — Pat

Two Best Friends Play: Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is a Machinima episode in which Matt and Pat slaughter pedestrians, mix up their identities, get thrashed by flying vehicles, explain Metal Gear Solid 2, and run across the streets naked.


Man, these guys are some serious dirtbags! Also, Kane and Lynch aren’t super nice either.
— Website description


Man, it's like they made a video game of my life.
— Matt
This is the worst dance party I've ever been to in my life.
— Pat
That lady just like walked by me and was like, "herro" and then kaplow.
— Pat
I wish my video store had gigantic tiger graffiti on the wall.
— Matt
I'm not your buddy.
— Pat to Matt
He's crazy!
— Matt
Who wears a halfshirt to a gunfight, seriously?
— Pat
Revolver Ocelot was working for the Patriots to enable the S3 Plan.
— Pat
Why do YOU have the shotgun?
— Matt to Pat


  • This is the shortest Machinima episode to date.

