Two Best Friends Play:

NES SNES and Genesis!

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Game NES SNES and Genesis!
Season 5
Episode 6
Length 18:15
Upload Date Aug 12, 2012
Controller Matt and Pat
Previous Batman Dark Tomorrow
Next Sleeping Dogs
“Hey guess what, if you have a friend who likes Cyclops, punch them in the dick.” — Pat

Two Best Friends Play: NES SNES and Genesis! is a Machinima episode in which Matt and Pat reminisce playing a few childhood favorite video games and a few not so favorite others. Double Dragon II: Revenge, Doom Troopers, Aerobiz Supersonic, Out of This World, Nobunaga's Ambition: Lord of Darkness, WWF Raw, Chrono Trigger, Joe & Mac 2, The Death and Return of Superman, Starfox, Rocket Knight Adventures, Altered Beast, X-Men 2: Clone Wars, Warlock and Mario's Early Years are the games played during this playthrough.


We take some time to play some classics on the Virtual Boy, CD-I and the Dreamcast! Wait, no, I meant GOOD classic systems!
— Website description


The intro cartoon starts with Matt and Pat happily sitting on the couch about to enjoy some nostalgia playing old video games until they realize they can't agree on which console to use, SNES or Genesis. This causes the two to get in a fierce shouting match which results in a huge fistfight.


Hey Matt, it's 2012, right? I don't remember that big ass nuclear war in 19XX.
— Pat
Why did you just rape those pigs?
— Matt
Let's rub noses and have a moment.
— Matt
Wow, what is this? "Dead Wrestlers: The Video Game"? Fuck!
— Pat
Yeah, and he shares a lot with Mega Man. Like he's dead.
— Matt
You guys are like, "Pat didn't have a childhood". Fuck you I had Rocket Knight!
— Pat
If you have a friend that like Cyclops, punch them in the dick.
— Pat


