Two Best Friends Play

Resident Evil Umbrella Corps

Umbrella Corps Title
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Game Umbrella Corps
Length 19:43
Controller Matt and Pat (Co-Op?), Pat (Solo)
Upload Date Jul 5, 2016
“You know what's a deadly experiment?” — Matt
“eSports?” — Pat

Resident Evil Umbrella Corps is a one-off episode where Matt and Pat can't even remember the name of of the game that has been called a modern day Mario is Missing.


We get dragged through the drizzling shits that is Capcom's Umbrella Corps. Put your biohazard suits on, kids!
— Website description


These are zombo generators.
— Pat
Why? When has that ever been a Resident Evil thing?
— Matt
It reminds you that you're playing on your PC, in case you forgot.
— Matt
You know what's a deadly experiment?
— Matt
— Pat
Why does he hold the gun like that? How does he hold the gun like that? What the fuck is that? That's the worst thing I've ever seen.
— Matt
Why can't Umbrella crawl?
— Matt
I see you are also other Let's Players try to make a video of this game.
— Matt
Did all of my teammates leave?
— Pat


