Rustlemania 2: SuperBrawl Saturday III

Rumble Roses (PS2)

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Game Rumble Roses
Length 37:45
Winner Dixie Clements
Previous WWF Betrayal
Next Def Jam Vendetta
“This game is constantly making sure we know what we're doing.” — Matt
“It wants to make sure no one knows what you're doing. Hide your shame.” — Cranky

Rumble Roses is the twenty-seventh episode in the Best Friends' Rustlemania 2: SuperBrawl Saturday III special.


"These slippery ladies seem to be as tough as they come! And there definitely seems to be some pollen floating in the air! Bang! Bang!"
— Video Description


Matt, Liam, and special guest CrankyConstruct dive into Konami's most famous and popular franchise as they perfect their bridges, have sex with the floor, mud wrestle with racism, and fail to hide their shame boners.


I'm Woolie, yeah! No, that's not me either.
— Cranky
When I was younger I thought to myself, I really wanna play this, and yesterday I thought to myself, I really wanna play this.
— Liam
Her finishing move, The Glass Bottom Boat!
— Matt
Our fifth playable, Side-boob.
— Matt
Are your parents away? Okay, press the button.
— Cranky
Should you even be here, Cranky?
— Matt
I'm too young for this.
— Cranky
This game is constantly making sure we know what we're doing.
— Matt
It wants to make sure no one knows what you're doing. Hide your shame.
— Cranky
Ohhh... I'm slightly erect doing that.
— Matt
Girls watching this video, do you talk to each other like this. 'Cause it's super weird.
— Matt
There's tons of people that wanna tell us how to play this game in the comments but they're too embarrassed too.
— Matt
Mike0dude's like, 'I wrote a couple FAQs for this game but I can't let them know.
— Matt
Jerry 'The King' Lawler is literally popping a million boner heart attacks.
— Matt

Jimmies' Status[]

Matt - [ ]Rustled [X]Unrustled

Pat - Not Present

Woolie - Not Present

Liam' - [ ]Rustled [X]Unrustled

CrankyConstruct' - [ ]Rustled [X]Unrustled


  • The guest cameo at the beginning of the video is Zone-tan.

