Best Friends Play

Sunset Overdrive

Sunset Overdrive
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Game Sunset Overdrive
Length 20:36
Controller Liam
Upload Date Nov 14, 2014
“I could kiss the Pope under that sky box and it would be beautiful.” — Matt

Best Friends Play Sunset Overdrive is a one-off video in which Matt, Woolie, and Liam eat Microsoft pizza, attend the douche-pocalypse, drink some purple stuff and blue, and listen to two old ladies talk about Dark Souls.


If you drink more than two energy drinks a day, you'll probably turn into a giant douchebag monster, that's basically how ginseng works.
— Video Description


Black lady. That's what I think when I think Liam.
— Matt
We're half-way there, becoming Plague of Gripes.
— Matt
To be fair, we've made lots of garish characters.
— Matt
I know, and I've never been around for those.
— Woolie
Flaming Com... Oh I get it. It's a dick joke.
— Liam
She's gotta drink her woes away that she's a bearded lady.
— Matt
Now this is called a douche-pocalypse. Anyone who goes to a rave about an energy drink, you deserve to die!
— Matt
The bearded lady always survives.
— Matt
We got OJ, purple stuff....
— Woolie
Why did you bring purple stuff to Matt's place?
— Liam
Woolie always has a flask of purple stuff.
— Matt
I could kiss the Pope under that sky box and it would be beautiful.
— Matt
So I had this little midget just screaming at me to drop my fucking shield....
— Matt, as an old lady

