
SBFC 109

Tassadar’s Butthole

Show Notes 109
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Length 2:03:03
Date Sep 7, 2015
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“When you're starving to death, digging through the trash, that's the time for crunchy peanut butter.” — Pat

Tassadar’s Butthole is the one-hundred and ninth episode of the Super Best Friendcast.


Lots of Metal Gear and Until Dawn talk this week, but don’t fret, it’s completely spoiler free!
— Website description


The thing is that nothing is important, Matt, so you gotta find value where it is. Which is nowhere.
— Pat
When you're starving to death, digging through the trash, that's the time for crunchy peanut butter.
— Pat
It's not a series of intense matches, it's the destruction of a man's life.
— Pat
You should wear a hat to Philly that says, 'Rocky was not a real person, you idiots.'.
— Pat
Even when you have sloppy fundamentals you can still beat a guy 13-0.
— Matt

Letter Time[]

Q: Which person's name surprised you most in the credits of a game? from Jean

Q: In new titles of established fighting game franchises, do you look forward more to returning champs or new challengers? from Baby Legs O'Houlihan

  • Matt: I want Alex more than anything.
  • Pat: I want new fighters but I also want Q.
  • Woolie: Returning champs but with time applied to them.
  • Liam: Returning champs if they're my favorites, otherwise new fighters.

Q: To Matt, why don't you wear a Montreal Expos hat or anything more local? from Fred

  • Matt: Wearing an Expos hat is lame because they're super dead. Also, they sucked.

Q: Is using lots of special moves considered cheesy or lame in Rising Thunder? I have noticed lots of people complaining about it lately. from Elwin

  • Pat: As long as you win, they can suck it.
  • Woolie: People think that special moves are the best moves for the characters but each of them is actually a gamble. Normals aren't as flashy and the pay-off is low, but they're safer.
  • Liam: People complain because they're frustrated. When you're at full screen and you have fireballs, throw some fireballs.

Zaibatsu Watch[]


  • The music used in the outro is "Main Theme" from the Nuclear Throne OST.