Best Friends Play

The Beginner's Guide

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Game The Beginner's Guide
Length 1:37:27
Controller Woolie
Upload Date Oct 15, 2014
“You know that adventure game, 'The Unfinished Swan'? This is like that, but it's a sausage, and the sausage is a first person shooter.” — Liam

Best Friends Play The Beginner's Guide is a one-off episode in which Woolie and Liam perform an action that could be referred to as "play" to a sort of interactive experience that might be labeled a "game".


— Video description


Audio is on. We'll make sure to talk over all of it.
— Liam
Suddenly FPS.
— Woolie
You know that adventure game, 'The Unfinished Swan'? This is like that, but it's a sausage, and the sausage is a first person shooter.
— Liam
Playing first person Runescape. Selling lobbies, 99k.
— Liam
Explain your existence dots!
— Woolie
I feel like we're playing a video game version of 'Rejected' by Don Hertzfeldt.
— Woolie
Hey, Jackson Pollock.
— Woolie
What a hack.
— Liam
Fucking, just took a Splatoon gun, went to a canvas, got rich.
— Woolie
If you're an art student, you need to be studying Mezzo Fotre, not this.
— Liam about Jackson Pollock
If you have a vision, be prepared to put dicks and porn into that vision.
— Woolie
Liam, what is this? You should be giving me horse answers.
— Woolie
This is the opposite end of the bar. One end is Sonic Dreams Collection, the other end is this.
— Liam
Everyone. Come look at this dirty laundry as we comment over it.
— Woolie


  • This video was recorded on October 2nd between 8:30 pm and 10:08 pm EST as evidenced by the dates on the Twitter page they look at and Woolie's desktop clock respectively.