Star Wars Week: Episode 1

The Rising Super Death Star

Rising Death Star
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Game Super Star Wars
Length 47:31
Upload Date Dec 14, 2015
Controller Liam
Next Terror From The Planet Nintendou 64
“Man, I can't believe Kanye the Hutt keeps watering his lawn.” — Pat

The Rising Super Death Star is the first episode of the Star Wars Week special in which Matt, Pat, and Woolie watch Liam do a full no death, speed-run LP of one of the hardest Star Wars games. Everyone was super impressed.


EPISODE 1 - THE RISING SUPER DEATH STAR The Force Awakens comes out this week, so yeah. We're playing a bunch of Star Wars games. Anyway, our adventure begins when a young man name VITA ANIMEFACE downloaded a hologame onto his personal computer device and became quite adept at it. He then invited his three older loser space friends to marvel at his new-found prowess. Only time will tell if this plucky young warrior is truly a master of the midi-chlorians, uh...I mean, the force...
— Video description


Welcome to Liam's full LP...
— Matt
Ah fuck off. Fuck you, don't do this to me.
— Liam
Who stole those plans?
— Pat
Kyle Katarn!
— Matt
It's a Jedi mind trick called, 'The Saving of the Soul'.
— Matt
Are you gonna set me up, Buttercup, and then tell me to cheat.
— Liam
The time is flame.
— Pat
A running theme of this video will be Liam going 'the problem is....'
— Matt
Luke, use the screen scroll.
— Matt
Feel around for the red ball, child.
— Woolie
Wait, does that mean Sand People is a like, a racist term of the Tuskan Raiders.
— Pat
The time is back to flame, that's good.
— Pat
I like the idea that pre-Obi-Wan, Luke thinks that lightsabers are called health swords.
— Woolie
To our younger viewers, this is what videogames used to be like.
— Matt
Man, I can't believe Kanye the Hutt keeps watering his lawn.
— Pat
Watch Dogs only has one level and it sucks.
— Liam
Party troopers come from the Party God.
— Woolie

